WordPress, with its broad range of plugins, themes, and user-friendly interface, has become a go-to platform for website development. However, this popularity also makes it a prime target for cyber threats. With over 60,000 plugins available in the WordPress repository, the potential for vulnerabilities is ever-present. In fact, a staggering 56% of WordPress vulnerabilities are associated with plugins, and in 2021 alone, over 86 billion password attacks were blocked by the security plugin WordFence. In this digital age, safeguarding your WordPress site is not just a recommendation but a necessity. Let’s delve into why WordPress security matters to your online business and explore a comprehensive security checklist to fortify your digital fortress. 

Why WordPress Security Matters to Your Online Business: 

The online landscape is rife with cyber threats, ranging from data breaches to malicious attacks. A compromised WordPress site can lead to loss of sensitive information, damage to your reputation, and financial repercussions. Ensuring robust security measures is essential to protect your website, user data, and the overall success of your online business. 

What Are Some Common WordPress Security Issues? 

Before diving into the security checklist, it’s crucial to understand the common threats that WordPress websites face: 

Plugin Vulnerabilities: Many WordPress vulnerabilities stem from outdated or poorly coded plugins. 

Weak Passwords: Using weak and easily guessable passwords can provide an entry point for attackers. 

Lack of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Without an additional layer of authentication, the risk of unauthorised access increases. 

Malware and Vulnerabilities: Regular scans are necessary to detect and eliminate malware or vulnerabilities in your WordPress installation. 

SSL Certificate Absence: Without SSL, data transmission between the user and the server is not secure. 

WordPress Security Essentials: 

Now, let’s explore a comprehensive checklist to enhance the security of your WordPress website: 

Update Your WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins: Regularly updating ensures that you have the latest security patches and bug fixes. 

Ensure You and Users Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Implement a robust password policy and encourage users to use complex passwords. 

Add an Extra Layer of Protection with 2FA: Enable Two-Factor Authentication to enhance login security. 

Install a Trusted Security Plugin: Choose a reputable security plugin to fortify your website against various threats. 

Use a Web Application Firewall (WAF): A WAF acts as a shield against malicious traffic and attacks, enhancing overall security. 

Regularly Scan WordPress for Malware and Vulnerabilities: Schedule periodic scans to detect and eliminate potential threats. 

Install an SSL Certificate: Encrypt data transmission between your site and users to ensure a secure browsing experience. 

Delete Inactive WordPress Themes and Plugins: Unnecessary themes and plugins can become security loopholes; remove them to minimise risks. 

Change the Default /wp-admin and /wp-login.php URLs: Altering these default URLs adds an extra layer of protection against automated attacks. 

Carefully Assess New Plugins and Themes: Only install plugins and themes from trusted sources, and regularly review and update them. 


By following this WordPress Security Checklist, you can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches and fortify your website against potential threats. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to cybersecurity. Prioritise the security of your WordPress site, and you’ll ensure a safer online experience for both you and your users. 

Web Development Company in Birmingham: 

Inforox, a web development company in Birmingham, provides expert web and app development services in Birmingham, UK. Our team of expert web developers boasts years of experience, delivering top-notch solutions tailored to your business needs. Contact us today to strengthen your online presence with cutting-edge web development from Inforox. 

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